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An Authentic Vedic Havan:Fire Pooja Session

An Authentic Vedic Havan:Fire Pooja Session

The fire sacrifice is the most prevalent and important ritual performed in Indian tradition and culture since time immemorial. The specific name given to the fire sacrifice is Authentic Vedic YAGYA (= to offer and combine) whereas it is also known as Authentic Vedic HAVAN. Once the altar and sticks have been arranged surrounding all four sides of the altar priests, prime officiator (YAJMAAN) and worshippers gather and kindling a flame and then starting the fire with consistent offerings of clarified butter (GHEE) and a special mixture of medicinal herbs called Authentic VedicSAMAGRI” is offered in the fire.

Havan : An Authentic Vedic Havan:Fire Pooja Session

The fire sacrifice has both material and spiritual significance. The elaborate fire sacrifice is done regularly on festive seasons and on auspicious occasions which coincide with a full moon, no moon and seasons. The practice of kindling the fire and offering of clarified butter and SAMAGRI releases beneficial effluents that counter the pollution in the environment and also the seasonal infections and pests. At the spiritual level fire or AGNI burns and transforms the various auspicious offerings and spreads it out evenly throughout. In a manner with faithful offerings and Vedic chants worshippers tend to thank and offer material food matter, herbs and other such articles to the unseen and seen presiding deities of nature.

“A faithful and devoted being kindles the fire of his faith in which he offers his wilful deeds of selflessness such that it reaches the almighty deity who would finally liberate the being from the cycle of life and death.”

At our Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh India, we organize Vedic Havan and Mantra Chanting session every morning. The Havan session is free for all. Every morning after Traditional Hatha Yoga Session, from 09:00 A.M we have fire pooja / Havan session. Join us for Vedic Havan every morning at Sanskar Yogashala – Traditional Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh India.