300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh Home / 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga TTC Course

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in RIshikesh

Beginner/Advanve & Gateway to RYT 500 Hours TTC
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Sanskar Yogashala is one of the Best Yoga School in Rishikesh among few reputed Certified Yoga Ashram in Rishikesh India that provide 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course registered with Yoga Alliance, USA. As you have already established a foundation after completing 100 hour yoga training and 200 hour ttc; take your teaching to the next level with the advanced level of yoga which is specially designed for yoga teachers designated. It is an intensive Yoga TTC in Rishikesh based on Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga and the third level course after 200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh India.

Yoga is never ending process and has endless possibilities, the more you practice the more enlightenment you receive and you wonder to see what you get through your deep practice and if you do Yoga Teacher Training Course step by step like 100 hour yoga training, 200 hour ttc then 300 hour yoga ttc in rishikesh and 500 hour yoga teacher training you will not miss anything and gain more experience of Yoga and become more experienced knowledgeable and skilled Yoga teacher.

To enroll in the RYS 300 course, you must have a RYS 200 certificate from the previous course because the curriculum is made up of concepts that you had previously learned and practiced in 100 Hour Yoga Training and 200 Hour TTC.

The 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh offers an advanced and comprehensive program designed for yoga practitioners and certified 200-hour yoga teachers who seek to deepen their knowledge, refine their skills, and expand their understanding of yoga.Participants are exposed to a wide range of yoga styles and techniques, enabling them to develop their own unique teaching style and approach. The program also emphasizes personal growth and self-reflection, encouraging participants to explore the depths of their practice and develop a greater connection with themselves and the yogic path. With its profound teachings and awe-inspiring surroundings, the 300-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh offers a transformative journey that empowers individuals to become skilled, confident, and knowledgeable yoga teachers.

300 Hour Yoga TTc in Rishikesh


300 Hour Yoga TTc in Rishikesh


300 Hour Yoga TTc in Rishikesh


300 Hour Yoga TTc in Rishikesh


300 Hour Yoga TTc in Rishikesh


Come & join sanskar Yogashala for a life-transforming experience!
  • Duration: 29 Days
  • Language: English
  • Module: Residential with Meals
  • Level: Beginner to Advance
  • Certification: Yoga Alliance
  • Style: Multi style
  • Date: 3rd - 31st of every month
  • Batch Size : 10 Students
200HRS YTTC FEES Shared Room $1299 $1500 Private Room $1499 $1700
Enroll Now

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Sanskar Yogashala

Beginner & Gateway to RYT 200 Hours TTC
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India at your selected yoga school (gurukul) Sanskar Yogashala is Internationally certified from Yoga Alliance, USA and will be your amazing and genuine experience. With the feel of natural beauty of mother river Ganges, you will learn Indian Traditional Yoga and meditation stride techniques that become you an RYT in 300 Hour TTC.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is for everyone who is interested in becoming a Yoga Teacher or wants to lead a healthy and spiritual life. It doesn’t matter if you have completed your 200 Hour TTC from any other school or from Sanskar Yogashala only important is, you should have a valid certificate of 200 Hour TTC from Yoga Alliance. Overall, a yoga teacher training program is a valuable investment in your personal and professional growth as a yoga practitioner and teacher. It provides a structured and comprehensive learning experience that can help you deepen your understanding of yoga, enhance your teaching skills, and bring greater meaning and purpose to your life.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Contact Us

The most important factor for a successful training in the field of yoga depends on the teachers to whom you have chosen to learn under; hence we have appointed expert teachers with excellent knowledge and skill in the respective field. Besides this, they are most humble and tolerant. While learning with them, you'll feel comfortable, furthermore, you get new concepts, indexing ideas, focusing on special groups of people. We will conduct 5-6 classes daily where we normally focus on the practice of breathing exercise, yoga therapy, vinyasa yoga and multi-style along with a lecture on yoga sutra and anatomy.

What Topics Will You Coverd in This Course

What you will learn through - 200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh

200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh
During your 200 hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh, you will gain various Theoretical, Physical, and Spiritual aspects of yoga, Such as:
  • You will kickstart our journey towards yoga & self-care.
  • You shall learn to live a yogic lifestyle by following a routine-based discipline lifestyle which will help us in your journey of yoga.
  • You shall learn all the Basic, and Intermediate level of Asana & Pranayama techniques You shall have sattvik vegetarian meals that help us to purify our mind, body & psyche You will learn all the various yogic kriyas to cleanse the body & its systems to feel more energized, calm & balanced.
  • You will have weekly nature treks & trips to reconnect yourself with mother nature You will stay in a "Gurukul" environment that will help us to stay objective & more focused You shall also have weekends music jamming sessions (Kirtans) & mantra chanting to activate our chakras & elevate our energies
  • You will also learn the basics of physiology the anatomy of the body & mind and ways to take care of it wholistically
  • You also get to stay in an amicable "Guru-Shishya"- Teacher disciple set-up during the course. Lastly, this course will allow you to experience Indian culture & tradition along with sharing a deep bond with mother nature. Come & join this Life-Changing Program that not only includes yoga, pranayamas & meditation, but we also learn about the rich Indian culture. We assure you that this will be a very humbling & rich experience where we stick to the authenticity of the yogic science.
Hatha Yoga in Rishikesh

Hatha Yoga

How to perform them in a meditative way.

Himalayan Vinyasa in Rishikesh

Himalayan Vinyasa

Learn to flow along with your asanas.

Pranayama Yoga in Rishikesh


Techniques for expansion of life force through different breath exercises.

 Relaxation Yoga in Rishikesh


Calm your body and abstract yourself from your senses.

 Meditation Yoga in Rishikesh


Meditate correctly to attain the highest goal of any soul.

Mantra Chanting in Rishikesh

Mantra Chanting

Thanking the Universe for its infinite knowledge.

Why Choose Sanskar Yogashala For 200 Hour Yoga TTC

  • The most reputed and traditional yoga school in India. Present in Rishikesh for more than 10 years.
  • Located near the holy river Ganges in the most peaceful and natural place next to the Himalayan hills.
  • Training is directed by the most experienced yogi brothers, Yogi Naveen Ji and Yogi Ajay Ji with 15 years of experience.
  • Attendees from 100+ different countries.
  • Sanskar Yogashala aims to spread yoga around the world.
  • Sanskar Yogashala has conducted yoga workshops in many countries so far.
  • Sanskar Yogashala conducts free yoga workshops for school children.
  • You can work anywhere in the world as a certified yoga teacher
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

300 Hour Yoga TTC Schedule

The 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course at Sanskar Yogashala follows a strict schedule in compliance with Yoga Alliance standards.

Time Acitity
5:30 AM - 6:30 PM Wake up and Half Bath
06:30 AM - 07:30 AM Shatkarma & Pranayama
07:30 Am - 09:00 Am Vedic Yoga Practice
09:05 AM - 09:30 AM Hawan (Fire Pooja)
09:30 AM - 10:30 AM Breakfast
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Philosophy
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM Self Practice / Asanas Practice
01:00 PM - 01:30 PM Lunch
01:30 PM - 03:30 PM Personal Time
03:00 PM - 04:05 PM Asana Alignment / Practicum
04:15 - 04:30 PM Herbal Tea
04:30 - 06:00 PM Asana Practice
06:15 - 07:15 PM Mantra / Mediation
07:15 - 07:30 PM Relaxation / Yoga Nidra / Kirtan
07:30 - 08:30 PM Dinner

Please Note: Daily schedule is subject to change on teacher's discretion

300 Hour Yoga TTC In Rishikesh

Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

300 Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Course Date 2024-2025

200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh
Date Two Shared Private Booking
3rd-Jul to 31st-Jul-2024 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 2 seat Left
3rd-Aug to 31st-Aug-2024 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 2 seat Left
3rd-Sep to 31st-Sep-2024 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 3 seat Left
3rd-Oct to 31st-Oct-2024 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 1 seat Left
03rd-Nov to 31st-Nov-2024 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 3 seat Left
03rd-Dec to 31st-Dec-2024 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 5 seat Left
03rd-Jan to 31st-Jan-2025 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 7 seat Left
03rd-Fab to 31st-Fab-2025 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 8 seat Left
03rd-Mar to 31st-Mar-2025 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now 4 seat Left
03rd-Apr to 31st-Apr-2025 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 5 seat Left
03rd-May to 31st-May-2025 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 9 seat Left
03rd-Jun to 31st-Jun-2025 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 7 seat Left
03rd-Jul to 31st-Jul-2025 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 9 seat Left
03rd-Aug to 31st-Aug-2025 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 8 seat Left
03rd-Sep to 31st-Sep-2025 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 6 seat Left
03rd-Oct to 31st-Oct-2025 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 3 seat Left
03rd-Nov to 31st-Nov-2025 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 5 seat Left
03rd-Dec to 31st-Dec-2025 Double Shared - $1299 $ 1500 Private Room - $1499 $1700 Book now / 10 seat Left

Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

300 Yoga TTC Course in Rishikesh Syllabus

300 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh
170 Hours

Techniques, Training and Practice Asana | Assignment | Pranayama | Meditation


Anatomy & Physiology


Yoga Humanities History | Philosophy | Ethics


Professional Essentials Teaching Methodology | Professional Development | Practicum

1st Week
  • ntroduction of Hatha & Vinyasa flow
  • Pawanmuktasana series A
  • Surya namaskar (Hatha)
  • Chandra namaskar (Hatha)
  • Trikonasana
  • Parsvokonasana
  • Privarta Trikonasana
  • Privarta Parsvokanasana
  • Virbhadrasana A,B,C
  • Ardha chandrasana
  • Chaturangadandasana
  • Mathchendrasana A,B,C
  • Adra Ustrasana
  • Salabhasana
  • Setabandasana
  • Gatyatmak Paschimottasana
  • Pada prasar Paschimottasana
  • Saithalyasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Core exercises

2nd Week
  • Surya namaskar A,B (ashtanga)
  • Chandra namaskar (Hatha)
  • Standing
  • Veerbhadrasana A,B,C
  • Trikonasana
  • Parsvottanasana
  • Parsvokonasana
  • Privirta Trikonasana
  • Privirta Parsvokonasana
  • Ardha chandrasana
  • Utthita hasta padangusthasana
  • Natrajasana
  • Vriksasana
  • Garudasana
  • Eka pada uttanasana
  • Natavarasana
  • Tandavasana
  • Eka padasana
  • Vatayanasana
  • Pada angushtasana
  • Baka dhyanasana
  • Eka pada baka dhyanasana

3rd Week
  • Eka hasta bhujasana
  • Santolanasana
  • Vashisthasana
  • Poorna matsyendrasana
  • Marichyasana C, D
  • Eka pada rajakaputasana
  • Raja kaputasana
  • Poorna ustrasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Poorna shalabhbasana
  • Poorna chakrasana
  • Parighasana
  • Koormasana
  • Upavistakonasana
  • Ubhaya padangustasana
  • Urdvamukha paschimottasana
  • Hanumanasana
  • Bhoonamansana
  • Laguvajarasana
  • Badhakonasana
  • Vishwamitrasana
  • Kashyapasana

Inverted asanas-
  • Bhumi padamastakasana
  • Vipreetakarani Asana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Padma Sarvangasana
  • Halasana
  • Ardha padma halasana
  • Sirshasana
  • Salamba sirshasana
  • Niralambasana
  • Urdhwa padmasana
  • Leg stretching

4th Week
  • Teaching
  • Doubts
  • Questions / Answer
  • Standing Postures-
    • Samasthiti
    • Sun salutation (A & B)
    • Padangushtasana
    • Pada hastasana
    • Utthita Trikonasana
    • Parivritta Trikonasana
    • Utthita Parsvakonasana
    • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
    • Prasarita Padottanasana (A, B, C & D)
    • Parsvottanasana

    Intermediate Postures –
    • Pasasana
    • Krounchasana
    • Shalabhasana A, B
    • Bhekasana
    • Dhanurasana
    • Parsvadhanurasana
    • Ustrasana
    • Laghu Vajrasana
    • Kapotasana
    • Supta Vajrasana
    • Bakasana
    • Bharadvajasana
    • Ardha Matsyendrasana
    • Ekapada Sirsasana A, B, C
    • Dwipada Sirsasana B
    • Yoga nidrasana
    • Tittibhasana A, B, C
    • Pincha Mayurasana
    • Karandavasana
    • Mayurasana
    • Makarasana
    • Vatayanasana
    • Parighasana
    • Gomukhasana A, B, C
    • Supta Urdhvapada Vajrasana A, B
    • Mukta Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C
    • Baddha Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C, D
    • Urdhva Dhanurasana
    • Drop back to Urdhva Dhanurasana
    • Paschimottanasana
    • What is mind and its role in meditation?
    • Nature of mind and why it is restless?
    • What is Concentration?
    • Difference between concentration and meditation.
    • Fundamental importance of meditation.
    • Types of meditation.
    • Anapana Meditation
    • Mahamrityunjaya Mantra Meditation
    • Gayatri mantra Meditation
    • Om mani padme hum Mantra Meditation
    • Yoga Nidra Meditation
    • Vipassana meditation
    • Sound Healing therapy for chakras
    • Introduction to 7 Chakras, Aura and Prana
    • Mantra for Muladhara Chakra Meditation
    • Mantra for Swadhisthana Chakra Meditation
    • Mantra for Manipura Chakra Meditation
    • Mantra for Anahata Chakra Meditation
    • Mantra for Vishuddhi Chakra Meditation
    • Dynamic Moving Meditation (Osho)
    • Kirtan Spiritual Dancing Meditation
    • Walking Meditation
    • Self-Surrender Meditation
    • Jyoti Tratak meditation
    • What is samadhi & It’s process
    • Week 1: Advanced pranayama practices
    • Week 2: Variations and experiments
    • Week 3: Awakening nadis and chakras
    • Week 4: Teaching practices and mastery of breathing

    • What is Pranayama?
    • How pranayama brought happiness
    • Physiology of prana
    • Elements in nature of prana
    • Prana body types
    • Astrology of Breathing science
    • Prana and it routes
    • How prana flows in the body
    • Prana & Consciousness
    • Number of breaths we take
    • Research on prana
    • Health parameter with breath length
    • Guideline and discipline of pranayama
    • (Intermediate and Advance Practices of Pranayama)
    • Clavicular Pranayama (Upper Chest Pranayama)
    • Thoracic Pranayama (Middle Chest Pranayama)
    • Koshtiya (Diaphragmatic Pranayama)
    • Full body Yogic Pranayama
    • Pranava Pranayama (Om Meditation Breathing)
    • Nadi Shodhana Pranayama or Anulom Vilom Pranayama
    • Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows Breath)
    • Kapalbhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breath)
    • Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath)
    • Ujjayi Pranayama (Ocean Breath)
    • Sitali Pranayama (Cooling Breath)
    • Sitkari Pranayama (Hissing Breath)
    • Murcha Pranayama (Swooning Breath Yoga)
    • Surya Bhedi Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing)
    • Chandra Bhedi Pranayama (Left Nostril Breathing)
    • Sutras from Patanjali Yoga Sutras
    • Chapter 1st (Yoga Samadhi)
    • Chapter 2nd (Yoga Sadhana)
    • Chapter 3rd (Yoga Vibhuti)
    • Chapter 4th (Yoga Kaivalya)
    1st Week
    • Brief introduction of skeleton system & function
    • Anatomy of shoulder & function with the important name of muscles
    • Anatomy of pelvic griddle with muscles names
    • Spine anatomy & function/ importance in yoga practice
    • Kundalini shakti introduction & function
    • Chakra introduction & function with the endocrine system
    • Nadis- the energy channel function & importance
    • Prana introduction & importance in organ function
    • Panchakosha importance in function of the body

    2nd week
    • Chakra introduction & function with endocrine system
    • Nadis- the energy channel function & importance
    • prana introduction & importance in organ function
    • Panchakosha importance in function of body

    3rd week
    • Respiratory system introduction/ function and problems
    • Circulatory system importance/ function & problems
    • Digestive system importance/ function & problems
    • Submission of assignment & revision

    4th Week
    • Practical exam : Presentation given to teacher
    • Written exam: Submission of assignment to teacher
    Standing Postures-
    • Samasthiti
    • Sun salutation (A & B)
    • Padangushtasana
    • Pada hastasana
    • Utthita Trikonasana
    • Parivritta Trikonasana
    • Utthita Parsvakonasana
    • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
    • Prasarita Padottanasana (A, B, C & D)
    • Parsvottanasana

    Intermediate Postures –
    • Pasasana
    • Krounchasana
    • Shalabhasana A, B
    • Bhekasana
    • Dhanurasana
    • Parsvadhanurasana
    • Ustrasana
    • Laghu Vajrasana
    • Kapotasana
    • Supta Vajrasana
    • Bakasana
    • Bharadvajasana
    • Ardha Matsyendrasana
    • Ekapada Sirsasana A, B, C
    • Dwipada Sirsasana B
    • Yoga nidrasana
    • Tittibhasana A, B, C
    • Pincha Mayurasana
    • Karandavasana
    • Mayurasana
    • Makarasana
    • Vatayanasana
    • Parighasana
    • Gomukhasana A, B, C
    • Supta Urdhvapada Vajrasana A, B
    • Mukta Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C
    • Baddha Hasta Sirsasana A, B, C, D
    • Urdhva Dhanurasana
    • Drop back to Urdhva Dhanurasana
    • Paschimottanasana

    Finishing Postures-
    • Salamba Sarvangasana
    • Halasana Karnapidasana
    • Urdhva Padmasana
    • Pindasana
    • Matsyasana
    • Uttana Padasana
    • Shirshasana
    • Baddha Padmasana
    • Yoga Mudra Padmasana
    • Uth Pluthi (Tolasana)
    • Shavasana
    • Introduction of Mudras
    • Fundamental importance of Mudras
    • Jnana mudra
    • Vayu mudra
    • Bhairava mudra
    • Pranav mudra
    • Sankhmukhi mudra
    • Introduction to bandha
    • Jalandhara bandha
    • Moola bandha
    • Uddiyana bandha
    • Maha bandha
    • Introduction to shatkarma
    • Jalaneti Satkarma (Nasal cleansing with salty water)
    • Rubber neti (Nasal cleansing with a rubber string)
    • Kunjal kriya
    • Shankh prakshalan kriya
    • Easy pose
    • Half-lotus
    • Swastikasana
    • siddha yoni asana
    • Demonstration
    • Instructions
    • Alignment
    • Adjustment

    300 Hour Yoga TTC Certification

    Yoga Alliance is an international support organization for yoga schools across the world. It gives support to all students as well as teachers to teach Yoga. The directory of Yoga Alliance represents more than 10000 yoga teachers and yoga schools that meet the globally recognized training standards.

    Sanskar Yogashala is a yoga alliance recognized school. All yoga teachers who have accomplished a specific standard of yoga teacher training like 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, or 300-hour yoga teacher training course, or a 500-hour yoga teacher training course receive a completion certification from RYS. They become qualified to register as yoga teachers with the yoga alliance as RYT-200 certification or RYT-500.

    RYT 200 certification offers you an international identity of your knowledge, experience, and training. People feel confident in hiring you as they know your expertise and training meet the Alliance's standards.

    300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

    Who can join 200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh?

    You should have a deep interest & zeal to become a devoted Yoga Teacher

    If you have tried basic asana practices, then it's an added benefit

    It is preferred to come with an outlook of surrendering to the deep science of Yoga & Meditation.

    Yoga is like a deep ocean of knowledge. To truly master the science of yoga is a lifelong practice. Great sages of Yoga & meditation spent decades and lifetimes learning the art and science of yoga along with rigorous selfless work towards the benefit of society (Karma) So, Is it truly possible to master yoga science in just 29 days or 300 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh?

    The answer is a clear No. But, this 300 Hrs yoga TTC in Rishikesh will make you learn, how to keep learning & walking the path of yoga/self-realization.

    RYS 300 is nominated for Yoga teachers same as RYT 200. The 200-hour yoga course places the foundation of yoga for students, while the Best 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training helps in creating a wonderful structure on it. This will make you expert in advanced Yoga teaching.

    When you complete your 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh Course then you can teach beginner, intermediate and advanced students with accuracy and Confidence. This enables you to register as an RYT-500 and opens a new opportunity for you to teach anywhere in the world.

    Food & Accommodation

    Food and Accommodation Of Yoga TTC in Rishikesh

    Yoga TTC in Rishikesh
    Yogi Accommodation

    Located next to the River Ganga, Sanskar Yogashala provides spacious accommodation for their students. Entering in our place make you escape from all your tension, anxiety and frustration. The location of our school is astonishingly beautiful with the serene Ganga River, rich cultural heritage, wonderful flora & fauna, marvelous temples and alluring beauty.

    Comfortable accommodation in a peaceful setting is all that we offer to our students. It will allow you to enjoy the tranquility of nature.

    Rooms : Rooms at our centre are enormous and airy with a little sit out to enjoy nature at its best! Rooms having Double Beds or Triple Beds; both are available for students with appropriate bedding to every season. All the rooms have an attached bathroom with the facility of 24 hours hot/cold water supply and a western toilet.

    Library : In order to make your stay or your learning more enjoyable and immense, there is a library nearby our centre, from where one can issue books for a respective time period and take it to their room for the profound study.

    Silent Times : Away from the crowd and noise, our school is located in a peaceful atmosphere where one can ensure the maximum peace for spiritual practices and can connect with the "real you".

    Yogic food

    Hygienic and yogic food from last 3 years and continue, Sanskar Yogashala provides balanced gluten-free yogic-diet which helps you to start your yoga session with positive energy. Meal includes sufficient vitamins, protein, carbohydrate, calcium and other minerals, detox tea and juices.

    What we eat directly affects our learning & practice and in yoga & meditation, food holds a crucial place. Right food will keep your body healthy, mind stable and soul relaxed. Also, hygienic and sattvic food provides you divine energy to do your yoga practice properly. This is the reason that we are highly focused on about giving suitable & wholesome food to our students.

    Your surroundings certainly affect your mood and hence your practice & leaning. With this reason, we offer you the best accommodation with the aesthetic view of the Great Himalayas & the tranquil holy River Ganga.

    The best part of our accommodation is that you will not get disturbed while studying or practicing as our rooms are located in a silence & peaceful area of Rishikesh which is beyond crowd & unnecessary noise.

    So, Stay in a neat and clean Ganga river view room with attached clean western style bathroom - 24 hours hot/cold water supply and filtered drinking water.

    Acitivities Included in 200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh

    200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh
    300 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Asana Class
    300 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Fire Pooja
    Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Sunrise Mountain
    Yoga School in Rishikesh Ganga Arti
    300 Hour yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh Cooking Class
    300 Hour yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh Temple Visit
    Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh Himalayan Yatra
    Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Waterfall Visit
    300 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Cave Visit
    300 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Kirtan Session
    300 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Mud Bath
    300 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Daily Karma Yoga
    300 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Birthday Celebration
    300 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Locol Culture Visit
    Yoga TTC in Rishikesh Jungle Trek
    300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh Sound Healing
    Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh Ayurveda Session

    What is Included?

    • 27 Nights of Private or Shared Accommodation
    • Clean & Comfy Accommodation
    • Weekend Excursions
    • Course Material
    • 300 Hour Yoga TTC Certificate (Yoga Alliance U.S.A)
    • Wifi Access
    • 3 Meals Yogic food every day
    • Free Pickup from Dehradun Airport

    What is not included?

    • Ayurvedic Panchakarma & Treatment
    • Visa fee
    • Air fare
    • Taxi pick-up from Delhi, Haridwar

    What To Bring?

    • Please Carry a White Dress For Course Cermony
    • As for Yoga gear, we recommend carrying a couple of pairs of leggings or yoga pants and supportive tops, especially if you have a favorite style.
    • Pants (for yoga, town, travel, hiking)
    • Tops (for yoga, short or long sleeved shirts for other activities) Outer layer (sweatshirt or light jacket/fleece)
    • Sleepwear
    • Sandals or flip-flops
    • Please carry a bath towel

    Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

    Excursion With This Course

    Yoga TTC in Rishikesh

    Excursions in Rishikesh during yoga training are important as they provide a chance to delve deeper into the spiritual heritage of the region. Visiting temples, ashrams, and spiritual centers offers insights into the traditions and practices that underpin yoga. Additionally, exploring the natural beauty of Rishikesh, such as the Ganges River and surrounding mountains, allows participants to connect with nature and find rejuvenation. Engaging with the local culture through markets and cuisine fosters a sense of community and broadens perspectives. Overall, excursions in Rishikesh enhance the yoga training experience by deepening understanding, promoting personal growth, and creating lasting memories.

    Study Books

    Recommended Reading For Your Course

    Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

    Every Month of 26th to 30th

    Himalayan Yog Yatra

    Himalayan Yog Yatra in Rishikesh

    The Himalayas boast some of the most awe-inspiring landscapes on the planet. Towering snow-capped peaks, deep valleys, sparkling lakes, and lush forests create a surreal and breathtaking environment that will leave you speechless. The sheer scale and grandeur of the mountains are unparalleled, offering a visual feast that is both humbling and awe-inspiring.

    Change is An Essence Of Existence

    FAQ’s About 200 Hour YTTC in Rishikesh

    200 Hour YTTC In Rishikesh

    Sanskar yogashal is a Vedic Yoga Ashram that offers a range of retreat course and teacher training courses in India. Sanskar Yogashala is registered with Yoga Alliance U.S.A. Our foundation for imparting knowledge is the ancient Sanatan Gurukul System of education.

    You arrive at Delhi airport from your place. From Delhi Airport you can either choose to take a car or you can arrive by air which lands at Jollygrant Airport ( Dehradun). It will take around 7 hours by car and nearly 1.5 hour by air from Delhi to Rishikesh. We will provide you with full assistance for your conveyance in reaching Sanskar Yogashala.

    Yes, we will provide you with all travel arrangements for which you are free to contact us anytime. From Dehradun Airport we provide free private taxi pickup for our Yoga Teacher Trainig Course Students only, not Retreat students. From Delhi Airport, we also provide private taxi for our students, but there is $70 USD extra charge than the course fees for one side. We can arrange taxi for dropping back you to Airport. There will additional charges for it.

    To become a certified yoga teacher you must successfully complete yoga teacher training course and show commitment and dedication in your ability as a yoga teacher. Please find out what minimum requirements are there from the yoga alliance organisation web page.(www.yogaalliance.org).

    Yes, Sanskar Yogashala is a registered yoga school with yoga alliance USA for proving international Yoga Teacher Training certification worldwide. All our yoga teacher training certifications can be verified from the yoga alliance webpage. For 300 Hours, we provide Certificate from of our Other Branch in Rishikesh i.e The Rishikesh School of Yoga.

    You can submit your Application Online or sent it by email at sanskaryogashala@gmail.com. After that you will receive a mail from us to pay a advance booking fees of 200/300 US $ through pay pal. Please note that booking amount is not refundable and likewise your booking is confirmed.

    From April to June the weather is hot while from July to August the weather is rainy raining so cotton clothing would be feasible during this part of the year. From October to February the weather is cold and woolen clothing is preferable.

    Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

    Terms & Conditions

    Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

    Code Of Conduct For Students

    Yogic discipline and a recommended code of conduct are expected from all our dear students. World Peace Yoga School has the following disciplinary rules for our participants.

    • Smoking and Alcohol are strictly prohibited in the school.
    • Inform the kitchen manager in advance if you have a fast on any day to avoid food wastage.
    • Always maintain discipline within the premises and be respectful to the teachers by obeying all the rules.
    • Maintain punctuality and arrive on time for the classes – latecomers will not be permitted to join sessions.
    • Return books, maps, or any goods which you might have borrowed from our institution.
    • Complete attendance is compulsory in all the scheduled programs of Sanskar Yogashala.

    Compliance With Yoga Alliance Guidelines

    Our premier Yoga Ashram at the heart of Rishikesh instructs every student to be aware of the following policy guidelines for students:

    • Anti-Harassment Policy: Yoga Alliance provides protection against any kind of harassment including sexual, discriminatory, personal, physical, personal, online, etc.
    • Anti-Retaliation Policy: This policy provides protection against violation of any form against those reporting violation of your code of conduct or who participate in an investigation related to a similar violation.
    • Attendance Policy: Attendance Policy offers guidelines with respect to a student’s attendance and participation in all events of the school’s Yoga Teacher Training program.

    Refund Policy

    • Advance payment of course fees is non-refundable. In case of an emergency, we welcome students to join us for other Yoga training courses.
    • The school accepts course cancellation requests – but advanced deposits will not be refunded for cancellations.
    • Sanskar Yogashala charges you nothing for course cancellation – you can simply inform the school authorities via email.

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