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Importance of Yoga

Importance of Yoga

3 Reasons why Importance of Yoga is More than Exercise ?

First things first, Importance of yoga was never meant to be designed for exercise. Maharshi Patanjali designed this beautiful Ashtang Yog Science and the sutras for something beyond the physical /material world.

Our ancient culture was highly spiritual and full of wisdom. Each area be it Music, Importance of Yoga Dance, Architecture, Food/Ayurveda, Fashion, Love making, Arthshaastra, bhugol etc, are highly competitive dependent in such a way that each individual is actively participating in their spiritual journey with min Distractions possible. Hence, Importance of yoga was never meant to be am exercise. It was always seen as a way of living right from how to align our body to what thoughts to think and how to manage our emotions. It’s a complete science in itself that is truly transformational in nature.

Importance of Yoga

Here are 3 strong reasons why it is more than merely an exercise regime.

1. We work through our Breath at every Movement :

Yoga is thr only form of exercise that gives a lot of importance to inhalation & exhalation while performing asanas. Because our yogis knew how Intricately our body & breath is connected. Breath is this one connecting element between the mind & body, thoughts & emotions. The yogis knew how having awareness with your breathe can discipline your thoughts, emotions & your mind.

2. It is an entire Philosophy :

No other form of exercise be it, gymming, zumba, dancing etc have got well defined code of conducts pertaining to the society that we live. (Yamas & Niyamas) Our Yogic Scriptures gives a lot of important to the values we instill in our society and how we conduct ourself with the society as well as with our own self. Yoga starts with SwaDharama. SwaDharma is this entire concept of taking very good care of our own self while not taking advantage of the society within which we live as a community.

Yoga philosophy begins with Instilling a certain sense of responsibility & discipline towards our body, mind as well as the society that we live In.

3. The End Goal of Yoga is Samadhi :

If we go through the entire 8 limbs (elements) of Ashtang Yog then, we can very well deduce that Asanas is just 1/8 th part of the entire science of yoga. These 8 elements are also very mindfully put into order as per the progression of the Saadhak. It becomes easier for a saadhak to reach the ultimate goal of Yog (samadhi) when it follows these process in the right order as mentioned in the sutras. Not once did the scriptures have mentioned that yog is a form of exercise (vyaayam). It is always referred to a sadhana where one is seeking something beyond the physical.

Having said this, yoga I today’s world is seen mainly as a form of exercise and for this reason we might not be able to take the full benefit of this immensely powerful science.

Importance of Yoga

Our certified Yoga School in Rishikesh, Sanskar Yogashala churned out the yogic world and brings out the yoga courses in Rishikesh. One such course is 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh! The advanced level of yoga course allows you to learn the profound knowledge of yoga and at the same time opens your path towards a registered yoga teacher (RYT-200).

200 Hours Yoga TTC in Rishikesh is for all level of practitioners and all level of aspirants! Yoga in Rishikesh is what everyone dreamt of and we are here to make your dream come true. Our Yoga TTC in Rishikesh offers you the best of Yoga in India and Certainly Yoga in the World.