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kundalini shakti

kundalini shakti

Kundalini Shakti  is quite a buzz word in modern times. kundalini shakti There is this huge misconception about Kundalini shakti being some sort of magical energy that is capable of bringing unbelievable transcendence to the person. However, Kundalini shakti is this sum total energy (ojas tattva) of an individual which expands and grows upon practicing certain rituals/practices. Below are few step by step guidance upon how to expand our Kundalini shakti by adopting few practices & rituals in our daily life.

1. Pranayam & Breathwork : Hatha yoga believes in starting with purification of body & thereby changing the vibrations of the body. Our source of Prana that is breath is also one of the finest tool to release and energise our systems. Pranayama & Breathwork are two powerful practices which one can incorporate in their daily routine to energize & cleanse your nadis and your systems. Yoga science has various breathing practices like kundalini shakti Kapaalbhati, ujjayi, yogic breathing, kumbhak breathing, etc.

These practices although should be done under proper guidance as each of the breathwork works differently for each one of us. Only the right kind of pranayama & breathwork will help you in energizing. Following a general guideline here is not a good idea atall. So, seek out an experienced teacher follow it’s guidelines diligently.

kundalini shakti

2. Hatha Yoga Asanas or Body Movement: For practicing asanas, when you find an experienced teacher (guru) , you then begin your journey towards body awareness either by practicing asanas Or mindful body movements. Performing asanas only as an exercise will not help you to build body awareness which is important in the journey of kundalini activation.

When kundalini shakti awakening happens, it’s important for you to be gentle and self aware as much as you can. This process where energy of each chakra is moving upwards can be a little exhausting process if your body is not prepared well. And that’s the reson to have a proper guide (teacher) while you’re going through some sort of spiritual Kundalini awakening. The next important step is your diet.

3. Diet : Each food has got it own energy/vibration. Even food has got its own prana shakti. Hence, it’s important to be mindful of the food that you have. The three gunas of food : sattva, rajas & tamas, all these three qualities of food is equally important for the body in the right proportion. A right kind of diet will provide the body with the necessary nourishment and resilience to the high energy phenomenon that one is undergoing.

Listening to your body and following cues is important when making food choices. The level of body awareness and mindfulness will help you to make the right choices of the food that will strengthen your body at this moment. A sudden change in your taste buds is quite normal during this transition period.

4. When you’re experiencing a spiritual Kundalini awakening process, there are times when you won’t be able to relate or connect to a lot of the things in your life. Accept & acknowledge this phase. It’s a temporary phase which will pass once you allow yourself to surrender completely. The disconnection with your old life is because of the new awareness that you have gained. This can make it difficult for you to connect with your old life as now your understanding towards life is becoming deeper. Maybe you want to change your work, your friends circle doesn’t feel right to you or you’re entire life seems unrelated, is all a temporary phase. This will pass.

kundalini shakti

Just hold onto the other cleansing & strengthening practices to help you feel grounded. Going for spiritual trips or yogic yatras can also ground you from this shaky ground that you’re experiencing. Yogic yatras is a kind of travelling where you’re being very mindful as well as deeply connected with yourself while you’re doing the travelling. Most of the times, such yatras are done with an intention to connect with yourself as well as the divine energy of the place that is visited or with nature. Yogic yatras are always slow and connected with nature. Such slow and nature travelling again helps you to ground yourself.

5. Build a supportive environment : It’s important for you to stay around people who is not coming up with too much of expectations from you. Build a supportive environment where people are helping you to ground yourself and are supporting you in this journey. Trying out new things or spending time doing some art form also helps you to express yourself fully.

Any form of art like music, dancing, painting, etc helps you to express yourself during these times where you don’t know how to express yourself. All the confusions running into your mind can be frustrating but art can help you hold yourself. Mantra Chanting, Satsangs, Kirtans, bhajans, etc can also hugely benefit. These practices helps you to process the high energy flow passing through your being.

Last but not the least, give yourself enough time & being gentle with yourself is very important. Having a spiritual teacher or guide can make your journey easy. But know that Kundalini awakening is quite a roller coaster ride and with sheer strength and agility one can hold themselves well.

Kundalini teacher’s training in India 

Rishikesh at your selected yoga school (gurukul) Sanskar Yoga Shala is internationally certified from Yoga Alliance, USA and will be your amazing and genuine experience. With the feel of natural beauty of mother river Ganges, you will learn Indian traditional yoga and meditation stride techniques.