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Kundalini Yoga in Rishikesh

Kundalini yoga in Rishikesh

What is Kundalini Shakti?Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini shakti is a potent life force energy that is in its sleeping form and not in a dormant form. Kundalini yoga cannot be dormant as it also comprises this very life that is running through us. It’s because of this active Kundalini yoga + prana shakti that is giving us life. Kundalini Yoga in Rishikesh So Prana Shakti is this invisible force that is connected with our breath and makes it active for the life to flow through the body.

Kundalini Shakti is this potent Creative Intelligent force that is active within us. But most of it is in the sleeping form situated at the Muladhara Chakra in the form of a coiled snake with two and a half rounds of it at the Muladhara Chakra. Kundalini Shakti can be viewed as the seed of the creative cosmic energy that is present in the entire universe. It’s like this single drop of the ocean that when gets fully active can merge with the collective Universal Kundalini Shakti or with God.

Kundalini yoga in Rishikesh

Practices that help to Activate/experience the Kundalini Shakti within Us?

There are around 72,000 nadis (energy channels) in our subtle body through which the energy(shakti) / prana transmission happens within our subtle body. Out of all these nadis, there are three main energy channels called Ida Pingla & Sushumna. A Yogi Or saadhak (Practitioner) can experience the full activation of Kundalini Shakti in the most graceful way when all these three channels are clear and without any blockages. When these channels are clear and have no blockages, the Shakti rushes upwards smoothly from the Muladhara to Sahasrar Chakra without facing any difficulties.

Purification practices kriya yoga pranayamas are very important for having clean energy channels. Shatkriyas can be a great tool to help purify our physical body so that the energy body can flow within us smoothly.

Kundalini yoga in Rishikesh

What are the types of Kundalini Shakti?

There are two types of Kundalini Shakti.

1. Individual Kundalini Shakti

2. Universal Kundalini Shakti

Individual Kundalini Shakti is this Snake like coiled sleeping energy present within all of us at the Muladhara Chakra. Universal Kundalini Shakti is this cosmic intelligent force that is present throughout the universe. You can say that the Individual Kundalini Shakti is like the seed of the Universal Kundalini Shakti. When the right environment is provided, this seed energy merges with the universe energy and that’s when ‘you’ happens. Yoga is the Union of Atma with the param Atma, the individual consciousness to universal consciousness.

Kundalini yoga in Rishikesh

What happens when the body is not ready for Kundalini Shakti Activation?

Kundalini Shakti is like this seed energy. The energy of the seed is so powerful that it has the potency to grow into an entire tree. That’s how powerful a Kundalini Shakti is and for that, we need to prepare our body so that it can handle this powerful force of energy. Hence, it’s important to practice Kundalini activation under an experienced guru/teacher who can guide you properly through the entire process. We have 20 days Kundalini sadhana program,Yoga Retreat that will give you the right guidance and practices through which you can work to activate the Kundalini Shakti within us without any risks involved.