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Kundalini Yoga Tecaher Training in Rishikesh

Kundalini Yoga Tecaher Training in Rishikesh

As per the hath yoga traditions Kundalini is the dormant source of unlimited energy resting at the very base of the spine in all human beings. Yoga practitioners through disciplined practise awaken this dormant source of energy which then rises through the various chakras or whirlpools. By awakening and then raising the kundalini through the various chakras of the spine the practitioner witnesses and experiences the unlimited and immense potential of one ’s self. It is also believed that as the Kundalini rises through the spine passing through the various chakras various mystical abilities like intuition, extreme focus and control over various animate beings is also acquired by the practitioner. In short the very question about the purpose of one’s life can be realised by awakening and raising one’s Kundalini.

Kundalini Yoga Tecaher Training in Rishikesh

Where does kundalini yoga originate from?

The roots of kundalini yoga are found in almost all the ancient yoga practises and schools of thought. It is explained in detail in the Hath yoga texts which generally speaks about the awakening of the various chakras by raising the kundalini shakti from the spine and finally uniting it with the last chakra where the journey of kundalini ultimately ends and the final emancipation (salvation) is achieved by the practitioner. Hath yoga explains in detail about the nature of the Kundalini as a coiled sleeping serpent at the base of the spine when awakened rises and passes through the various chakras. Various physical and mindful practises of asanas and pranayam have been detailed for elevating the kundalini through the various chakras.

What happens when kundalini opens?

As Kundalini is the source of unlimited energy of the consciousness when it awakens the practitioner experiences instances of upsurge of mental and physical energy. There is an instant and endless flare of positive feeling and a feeling of one’s capability of doing anything and everything without being stressed or even getting tired. There are instances of vibrations and tremors rising all around the spine and even experiencing colourful and sparkling dancing lights and likewise when the practitioner is in the state of deep meditation. More or less as the Kundalini awakens an instant surge of energy and large amounts of mental positivity and infinite joy is experienced for very long time. Some practitioners also associate uncontrolled body movements and tremors spreading throughout while experiencing dangerously high emotional cycles with unprepared awakening of kundalini. In general Kundalini awakening is more or less a highly positive and unbelievably wonderful experience.

Can Kundalini Yoga change life?

Once the source of all our energy awakens and with it one begins to channel thoughts and physical capacity which the practitioner hasn’t experience before the moment is in itself a life changing and moreover a turning point in one’s life. Kundalini yoga specifically helps in awakening and channelizing the immense and intense energy through the various chakras as it keeps on rising while the practitioner witnesses one’s improved and much more enhanced self from within. The very phrase all power is within you is experienced as the practitioner continues on the path of Kundalini yoga.

Kundalini Yoga Tecaher Training in Rishikesh

Who is the god of Kundalini yoga?

The Kundalini is associated with SHAKTI which is the supreme female divinity of all creation. She is the divine consort of the supreme male divinity SHIVA. SHAKTI is associated with the feminine virtues of creativity, nurture, care and pro-creation whose ultimate aim is to unite with the male divnity SHIVA residing at the top most point of the Head Chakra and so Kundalini SHAKTI continues to rise and along its journey along the spine illuminates the various chakras.

What religion is Kundalini Yoga?

There is neither sect nor any specific religion which can be associated with Kundalini yoga. It is an integral part of yogic practise since ancient times and the hath yoga school of thought is primarily associated with the Kundalini yoga practise. It has its roots in the ancient Vedic culture and hence a part of sanatan vedic dharma. Although it isn’t that prevalent or part of any custom which general public participates.

Can Kundalini Yoga cure depression?

Yes , infact any form of mental disorder arising due to the imbalance with one’s own lifestyle and surrounding is easily cured with Kundalini yoga. As stated before it is the unlimited source of conscious energy which clears all such disorders mainly depression , anxiety , stress etc. that has gripped the modern day people due to unhealthy and unbalanced lifestyles and social practises. Kundalini yoga surely remoulds the practitioner in his/her best version from within.