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Meditation in Rishikesh

Meditation in Rishikesh

What exactly do we mean by Meditation in Rishikesh ?

Meditation is such a buzzword these days for all the different types of stresses we are all undergoing. Meditation in Rishikesh For some it is a tool to relax, for some, it’s a tool to improve their focus, for some, it’s to feel more energetic. So, let’s find out what exactly we mean by meditation According to our Vedic sciences Meditation .

Access to yogic Philosophy, Dhyan Meditation is the 7th limb of the Ashtang Yog Philosophy. And there is a reason why Dhyan – Meditation has been allotted the 7th position as reaching up to a level of meditation is a journey.

Meditation in Rishikesh

The 8 elements (limbs) of AshtangYog is :
1. Yamas

2. Niyamas

3. Asana

4. Pranayama

5. Pratyahar

6. Dharana

7. Dhyaan

8. Samadhi

The last limb – Samadhi is the ultimate goal of Dhyaan. The Union of Self-consciousness to Universal Consciousness is the ultimate destination for the entire journey of yoga.

Yoga is a systematic tool to align ourselves with the universe and that’s why Ashtang Yog has these entire steps or limbs (Ashtanga) to reach to this union. Access to Yogic Science, Dhyaan is a state of mind where you are able to simply ‘Be’. It’s a state of ‘Being’. It is not a state of ‘Doing’ All the other limbs right from Yamas to Dharana are all states of Doing.

Meditation in Rishikesh

The last two limbs namely Dhyaan & Samadhi are the two states of ‘Being’. When you get into the state of Being, it becomes very easy to merge yourself with the Universe Or God as Universe is always in the state of Being. Universal force is an infinite intelligent energy that holds & creates spaces simply by its presence. The universe is a Shakti (feminine energy). Hence, one finds it difficult to directly go to stage 7, I. E. Dhyaan before aligning themselves at the Mind & Body levels.

Yamas & Niyamas work on our code of conduct and values. Pranayama works on aligning & purification of our prana Shakti or energy body. Asanas help us to align & balance ourselves at a body level. Pratyahara is all about disciplining our senses and having a good hold over our sensory pleasures. From here, we are slowly shifting from a state of doing to a state of being. After aligning our values, prana energy, body & sensory discipline, we now start to develop laser focus or concentration on our inner world. Till stage 5 we worked on having good control over all our distractions so that we can fully concentrate & focus on our inner journey.

Meditation in Rishikesh

So, Dharana is this deep focus and while we continue to focus inside, we start to touch a state of being, a meditative state of mind where you are simply doing nothing. This is what we call meditation. The more we meditate, the closer we are moving to the state of samadhi (union)

Weekly Meditation Courses in Rishikesh, India

Meditation is a precise technique for relaxing and concetrating the mind while attaining a state of thoughtless consciousness which is completely different from the normal awakened state. Through meditation we can dive deep into the various levels of consciousness. It is a completely non religious practice and science of the mind which follows a proper order having definite principles and produces results that have been verified from time to time.