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Yog Darshan ~ Yoga Philosophy

Yog Darshan ~ Yoga Philosophy

The word Yog Darshan Yoga and Yoga Philosophy needs no introduction and so does the great seer Patanjali who is also known as the “ Sage in Hinduism,”. Yoga Darshan is the extant classical text written and compiled by the great sage Patanjali ( pat = leaves + Anjali = to devote or live on) and the text is among the six orthodox schools of philosophy of Indian culture and tradition.

Yoga darshan literally translates to the “philosophy of yoga”. Yoga has been known as the form of bodily, mental and spiritual practices in which a practitioner in a self-disciplined manner continues to practice and enhance on going towards first bodily then mentally finally leading to spiritual progress. The text of Yog darshan doesn’t deal with elaborate postures and techniques well known to all who have come across the term of yoga practice. In that manner, the great sage Patanjali stands out at the “FATHER OF PSYCHOLOGY” as well since the yog darshan is one of the most ancient texts attributed to the antiquity of Vedic literature.

Yoga darshan, in general, has four broad chapters that it continues to entail and detail on. These are in sequence

1. SAADHAN PAD (Chapter on practice and fundamental concepts)
2. SAMADHI PAD (Chapter on the practise of transcendence)
3. VIBHUTI PAD (Chapter on the special fruits of yoga)
4. KAIVALYA PAD (Chapter on the ultimate state of oneness)

The famous aphorism by Patanjali echoes throughout the fundamental approach and meaning of yoga .

“YOGASCHAH CHITT VRITTI NIRODHH” Yog Darshan ~ Yoga Philosophy

Yoga is the abstention and control of mind and its modifications Likewise the great seer Patanjali paves the way ahead of true self realisation and also the dormant source of infinite power ATMA(soul) residing in each individual and the journey of the yogic practitioner leads finally to the state of transcendence and the ultimate state of KAIVLAYA (Ultimate oneness with the supreme consciousness). The famous eightfold path for yogic practise including mental and bodily disciplines are laid down which are famously known as

1. YAM (the don’ts for practitioner)
2. NIYAM (the do’s for practitioner)
3. ASAN (yogic postures)
4. PRANAYAM (breath extension)
1. PRATYAHAR (withdrawal of senses inward)
2. DHARNA (a firm and fixed belief)
3. DHYAN meditation)
4. SAMADHI (transcendence)

Likewise the yoga –darshan journeys as is the journey for any disciplined practitioner of yoga